View — Pattern
ReturnIn all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.
In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.
In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.
In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.
In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.
In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.
In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.
In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.
In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.
In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.
In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.
In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.
In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.
In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.
In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.
In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.
In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.
In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.
In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.
In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.
In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.
In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.
In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.
In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.
In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.
In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.
In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.
In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.
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- Inkelas, Sharon and Draga Zec. 1988. Serbo-Croatian Pitch Accent: The Interaction of Tone, Stress, and Intonation. Language 64. 227-248.
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- Bailey, Todd M. 1995. Nonmetrical Constraints on Stress. Doctoral dissertation, Univerisity of Minnesota. Ann Arbor, MI: UMI.
- Excerpt not available.
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- Excerpt not available.
- Hayes, Bruce. 1995. Metrical stress theory: Principles and case studies. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- (278) Excerpt not available.
- (297) Excerpt not available.
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- (12) Excerpt not available.