View — Pattern


In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.

In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.

In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.

In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.

In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.

In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.

In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.

In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.

In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.

In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.

In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.

In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.

In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.

In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.

In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.

In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.

In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.

In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.

In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.

In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.

In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.

In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.

In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.

In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.

In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.

In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.

In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.

In all words, primary stress occurs on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.

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Lambton, A.K.S. 1961. Persian grammer. (rev. edn.). University of Cambridge Press: Cambridge.
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Oranskij, I.M. 1963. Iranskie jazyki. Moscow. (French translation: Les langues iraniennes. Paris, 1977).
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Tsygankin, D. B. and Debaev, C. Z. 1975. Ocherk Sravnitel'noj Grammatiki Mordovskix (Mokshanskoko i Erz'anskoko) Literaturnix Jazykov. Saransk.
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Hess, T. 1976. Dictionary of Puget Salish. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
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Excerpt not available.
Dixon, R.M.W. 1977. Some phonolgical rules of Yidin. LinguisticInquiry 8. 1-34.
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Excerpt not available.
Scorza, D. 1985. A sketch of Au morphology and syntax. Papers in New Guinea Linguistics [Pacific Linguistics A63. Canberra: Australian National University], 22, 215-273.
Excerpt not available.
Halle, Morris and Jean-Roger Vergnaud. 1987. An Essay on Stress. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
(72) Excerpt not available.
(84) Excerpt not available.
(190) Excerpt not available.
Roberts, J. A. 1987. Amele. Guildford, England: Biddles.
Excerpt not available.
Inkelas, Sharon and Draga Zec. 1988. Serbo-Croatian Pitch Accent: The Interaction of Tone, Stress, and Intonation. Language 64. 227-248.
Excerpt not available.
Idsardi, W. J. 1992. The computation of prosody. Ph.D. thesis, MIT.
(51) Excerpt not available.
Kenstowicz, M. 1994. Sonority-driven stress. In Rutgers Optimality Archive,
Excerpt not available.
Bailey, Todd M. 1995. Nonmetrical Constraints on Stress. Doctoral dissertation, Univerisity of Minnesota. Ann Arbor, MI: UMI.
Excerpt not available.
Dogil, Grzegorz. 1995a. Stress patterns in West Slavic languages. Word Stress, Arbeitspapiere des Instituts für Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung (AIMS), 2.2:63-88. Universität Stuttgart, Germany.
Excerpt not available.
Hayes, Bruce. 1995. Metrical stress theory: Principles and case studies. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
(278) Excerpt not available.
(297) Excerpt not available.
Walker, R. 1996. Prominence-driven stress. Rutgers Optimality Archive (ROA-172-0197).
(12) Excerpt not available.
Unbounded, QS, trochaic if LL, left if HH (v1) theory: StressTyp Parameters
Unbounded, QS, trochaic if LL, left if HH (v2) theory: StressTyp Parameters

FSA tail
