Browse — Lect


In words of all sizes, primary stress falls on the left-most heavy syllable, else on the initial syllable.

Tsygankin, D. B. and Debaev, C. Z. 1975. Ocherk Sravnitel'noj Grammatiki Mordovskix (Mokshanskoko i Erz'anskoko) Literaturnix Jazykov. Saransk.
Excerpt not available.
Kenstowicz, M. 1994. Sonority-driven stress. In Rutgers Optimality Archive,
Excerpt not available.
Bailey, Todd M. 1995. Nonmetrical Constraints on Stress. Doctoral dissertation, Univerisity of Minnesota. Ann Arbor, MI: UMI.
Excerpt not available.
Walker, R. 1996. Prominence-driven stress. Rutgers Optimality Archive (ROA-172-0197).
(12) Excerpt not available.

No theoretical analysis for this pattern.

Here is the result:

FSA head


FSA tail


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